Centrul Județean de Voluntariat Arad te trimite VOLUNTAR în Franța

Centrul Județean de Voluntariat Arad, caută un voluntar român care să participe într-un stagiu de voluntariat pentru 10 luni în Franța în cadrul SERVICIULUI EUROPEAN DE VOLUNTARIAT, Erasmus +.
Stagiul de voluntariat se desfășoară în perioada: 01/10/2016-31/07/2017
Profilul voluntarului și procesul de recrutare
Numărul de voluntari selectați din România : 1 voluntar
Perioada stagiului: 10 luni, 01/10/2016-31/07/2017
Locația: The House of Europe Le Mans
Vârsta voluntarului pentru stagiu EVS: 18 – 30 ani
- Se va face un interviu telefonic / Skype cu candidații selectați pentru a se putea evalua motivația lor.
- Voluntarii trebuie să aibă cunoștințe de bază despre Uniunea Europeană, și să fie interesați de problemele legate de cetățenia europeană. Voluntarul ar trebui să se simtă cetățean european.
Să fie motivat să lucreze într-o echipă, să fie flexibil, deschis la minte, dinamic, responsabil
Trimite-ne formularul de înscriere până la data de 4 aprilie 2016 pe adresa de mail: voluntariatarad@gmail.com
Centrul Județean de Voluntariat Arad
Str. Bulevardul Revoluției Nr. 87, Ap ^
Tel: 0749480835
The « House of Europe » based in Le Mans, France is looking for one EVS for a 10 months projects (01-10-2016 to 31-07-2017). As our association will implement a school partnership project with French and Romanian schools next year, we would like to host someone from Romania to be able to introduce its country and its language to young French pupils.
If you have any potential candidates, please ask them to fulfill the enclosed form and to send their CV and motivation letter before 4-th of April in English or in French at the email address:
The House of Europe Le Mans – Sarthe aims at promoting an active European citizenship in our department called La Sarthe. We aim to provide information on the European Union and the member states. Our association is a friendly place to discover, meet and live Europe! The objective of our association is to make Europe more concrete and closer to citizens through education and democratic debate. Its members are engaged in several projects aiming to improve the knowledge and comprehension of issues about the construction of Europe and the different cultures that make up our continent.
The House of Europe has different labels:
Information Center for the European Commission called Europe Direct Information Center
Information Center for the Franco-German Youth Office.
Main activities:
1. Informing people about Europe
2. Schools workshops
3. Cultural and festive events about Europe
4. Thematic workshops and training activities
5. Advisory and support to European project
Learning opportunities:
- development of interpersonal and languages skills
- development of comprehension and expression skills (speaking and writing competences)
- competences on how to work in a team
- strengthening of his/her knowledge on the EU and its member countries
- support and implementation of projects
- taking initiatives to implement his/her own project
- knowledge of the French associative field
- open-mindedness toward cultural differences
Role and activities of the volunteer:
As our activities are diversified, the volunteer would have the choice between the activities in which he/she feels comfortable with. He/she could work on information, communication about European politics or on cultural events or on school’s projects etc. (he/she can refer to our main activities).
He could for example:
- introduce his/her country, his/her mother tongue and culture toward students, pupils, associations, adults etc.
- promote the European citizenship toward the inhabitants of our department
- promote the mobility in Europe and the EVS
- set up a link between his/her country and our organization to implement youth exchanges for example.
- create pedagogical tools or communication tools to present the EU and its politics or to present his/her country.
- be involved in our “traditional” projects all over the year
- implement European events (exhibitions, debates, cooking workshop etc.)
The volunteer will be fully integrated in our team and will be considered as an own-right member. He/She will have the opportunity to take part to the main highlights of our association (Europe Day, our annual general meeting, our European cultural fortnight etc.)
Volunteer profiles and recruitment process
We would like to host a volunteer aged from 18 to 30.
We don’t have a particular profile in mind and all the applications will be considered with equal attention. There will be a phone interview with the selected candidates to get to know them better and to evaluate their motivation.
During the selection we would make sure that our activities and the volunteer’s wills are in harmony. During the exchanges with the candidates, we will inform them about our general activities and the proposed projects but we will also listen to their motivations, needs and proposal links to their personal project. Part of the mission can be adapted according to the volunteer’s wishes and suggestions: a capacity for open mindedness, dynamism and entrepreneurial spirit will therefore be appreciated.
The volunteer should have basic knowledge on the European Union, and be interested in issues related to European citizenship. He/she should feel like being a European citizen.
As the House of Europe is working with many partners, a particular attention will be paid on profiles indicating good interpersonal skills, especially with young people.
We do want the volunteer to take part in many activities of the House of Europe, which requires motivation to work in team.
The volunteer should:
- be ready and motivated to work in a team. We would like him to join the team and be progressively involved in the best conditions in all these missions and acquire a relational ease particularly with children and other young people.
- be flexible
- be open-minded
- be dynamic
- be responsible
- be willing to invest himself/herself in European projects
You can find more information about the project here: http://europa.eu/youth/volunteering/organisation/14001438447_en
Contact: Coordinating Organization
Maison de l’Europe Le Mans – Sarthe
Centre d’Information Europe Direct
1 rue Hippolyte Lecornué
(Les Halles, 1er étage)
72000 Le Mans
02 43 29 38 34