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A găsit o soluție mai ieftină ca să stea în Londra. Cum economisește acest tânăr 1000 de lire pe lună

Intr-un oras in care chiriile ating cote alarmante, Alex Hill, un tanar de 24 de ani care lucreaza in domeniul IT, a gasit o solutie ca sa economiseasca 1.000 de lire pe luna.

A găsit o soluție mai ieftină ca să stea în Londra. Cum economisește acest tânăr 1000 de lire pe lună
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Alex a decis sa locuiasca intr-o dubita pana isi gaseste o alta chirie. Intre timp insa, tanarul s-a obisnuit cu acest stil de viata si marturiseste ca ii place libertatea de care se bucura.

obisnuit cu acest stil de viata si marturiseste ca ii place libertatea de care se bucura.

Alex Hill's van.  Renting a house is a rat race, and itís difficult to opt out it. But one guy  thinks heís found the way out ñ he lives permanently in a van in the centre of London.  See SWNS story SWVAN.  Itís technically possible ñ though itís less ëCalifornia beach paradiseí and more ëparking in a dark residential street off Holloway Roadí.  Alex Hill works for an IT firm in the City. He drives in or parks relatively near the office and just goes home to a bed on four wheels. He claims this saves him £1,000 a month.  He says he just fell into it. ìI was planning to cycle around Europe for a few months last summer and had already handed in the notice for my flat. The plan was to stay with friends until I got another flat, but I decided to try out living in my car for a few weeks and showering at work.î

„Planul meu era sa locuiesc la prieteni pana imi gasesc alt apartament, insa apoi am decis sa locuiesc in masina cateva saptamani si sa fac dus la munca”, povesteste el.

El si-a montat un pat in dubita si s-a folosit de un generator solar pentru a avea electricitate. Totusi, marea problema ramane toaleta.

Alex Hill's van.  Renting a house is a rat race, and itís difficult to opt out it. But one guy  thinks heís found the way out ñ he lives permanently in a van in the centre of London.  See SWNS story SWVAN.  Itís technically possible ñ though itís less ëCalifornia beach paradiseí and more ëparking in a dark residential street off Holloway Roadí.  Alex Hill works for an IT firm in the City. He drives in or parks relatively near the office and just goes home to a bed on four wheels. He claims this saves him £1,000 a month.  He says he just fell into it. ìI was planning to cycle around Europe for a few months last summer and had already handed in the notice for my flat. The plan was to stay with friends until I got another flat, but I decided to try out living in my car for a few weeks and showering at work.î

„Nu as recomanda oricui. Pentru mine a fost foarte important ca pot face dus in fiecare zi la birou.”

Cu toate acestea, tanarul locuieste in dubita din luna septembrie si spune ca nu exista reguli care sa-i interzica acest lucru, motiv pentru care isi muta masina oriunde vrea.

Alex Hill's van.  Renting a house is a rat race, and itís difficult to opt out it. But one guy  thinks heís found the way out ñ he lives permanently in a van in the centre of London.  See SWNS story SWVAN.  Itís technically possible ñ though itís less ëCalifornia beach paradiseí and more ëparking in a dark residential street off Holloway Roadí.  Alex Hill works for an IT firm in the City. He drives in or parks relatively near the office and just goes home to a bed on four wheels. He claims this saves him £1,000 a month.  He says he just fell into it. ìI was planning to cycle around Europe for a few months last summer and had already handed in the notice for my flat. The plan was to stay with friends until I got another flat, but I decided to try out living in my car for a few weeks and showering at work.î

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